EnigmA Amiga Run 1996 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 04 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-02][Skylink CD III].iso
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Text File
61 lines
Short: Starts programs from tooltypelines
Author: dingler@ivs.wi.ba-ravensburg.de (Wolfgang Dingler)
Uploader: dingler@ivs.wi.ba-ravensburg.de (Georg Dingler)
Type: util/misc
RunToolTypesPrgList is a little Tool for starting a sequence of
Programs easily by clicking only one Icon (or to start a program
by icon that has no icon itself). You can copy RunToolTypesPrgList
(with (if you want another) icon of course) and then give it a
suitable name. Every line of ToolTypes may contain a whole command-
line (like in shell) with arguments. Default directory is that,
from which RunToolTypesPrgList was started. Therefore you may write
a commandline that does not have a path.
Notice, that shell-commands (like most ones from the C-Directory)
which are normally started from a shell, won`t make an output to a
window if they don`t open a window itself. For example, the version-
command won`t make an output, but ed or edit will open their own windows
(if they get a filename as argument).
Additionally, there are 2 option-commands that may be used instead
of a commandline :
(upper case, no blanks), effect :
waits a number of 1/50 seconds, DELAYTIME=50 waits 1 second
(approximately, not very exact)
(upper case, no blanks), effect :
WAITMODE=ON says, that RunToolTypePrgList shell wait until the last
started Program ends (make sure that it does, or it waits and waits...),
after that the following ToolTypeLines are read and executed
WAITMODE=OFF says, that the following ToolTypeLines are read and executed
as soon as possible without waiting for the end of a program ; make sure
that in this case no progams are subject to be started that are on the same
diskdrive, otherwise your diskdrive could behave strange (at least if the
programs are not rather small), that is, there will be probably ceaseless
headstepping and you will wait very, very long for seeing the programs be
started if they are started at all ; that could be bad for your diskdrive
and your disk as well, therefore be careful. It is not a problem of Run-
ToolTypesPrgList but of the DOS, which might also occur in situations when
two programs are started at the same time from diskdrive. With HD-Drives
there should be no problems.
Default is OFF. The Mode (ON or OFF) that was set last is valid until the
other mode is set.
Notice, that in spite of setting WAITMODE=ON, it is possible with the run-
shellcommand to start programs nearly at the same time, with diskdrives
there will probably occur the same problems as if WAITMODE=OFF is set.
example : see the ToolTypes of RunTTPrgList.example
Freeware. Requires KickOS 2.04 or higher.
Use of all programs in the runprglist-Archive is at one`s own risk.